Dr Stephen Sciberras

Dr Stephen Sciberras is a Consultant in the Department of Anaesthesia, ITU & Pain Management at Mater Dei Hospital, Malta, and a Visiting Senior Lecturer in the University of Malta. He has been Training Co-ordinator for Anaesthesia, ITU and Pain Management for over 9 years. He is also member of the EDAIC Part 2 Subcomittee, and an examiner of both the EDAIC and the EDIC.

He has been involved in a number of teaching initiatives, spanning a variety of topics including workshops in Regional Anaesthesia, Echocardiography in ITU, Teach the Trainers and various lectures for medical students, anaesthetic trainees and nurses. He also has been invovled in a number of research projects, including MEDIWARN, and has obtained a PhD through research on chronic pain after neuraxial anaesthesia. 

His main interests are Intensive Care, Regional Anaesthesia, and Medical Education.