Dr Keith Borg Xuereb

Dr Borg Xuereb is a Specialist in Anaesthesia working at Mater Dei Hospital, Malta. He graduated from the University of Malta in 2015 and obtained his certificate of completion of training in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care in Malta in 2022. He completed fellowships in Advanced Airway Management at Oxford University Hospitals and in Regional Anaesthesia and Acute Pain Medicine at University College London Hospitals. He obtained EDRA certification in 2023 and was a board-elected Associate Faculty Member for RAUK 2024. Keith is one of the pioneers of the Acute Pain Team at Mater Dei Hospital.

His main research interests include the utilisation of regional techniques in acute pain pathways and apnoeic oxygenation. He holds lecturing positions with the University of Malta and has been invited to teach in various airway and regional courses in the United Kingdom. He also instructs on Resuscitation Courses organised by the European Resuscitation Council.