Dr. Daniel Farrugia

Dr. Daniel Farrugia is the Vice President of the Association of Anaesthesiologists of Malta. He is a consultant anaesthetist working at Mater Dei Hospital and has a special interest in cardiac and obstetric anaesthesia. He is also the clinical lead at the Preoperative Assessment Clinic at Mater Dei Hospital and has lead the setting up of the new POAC and the Electronic Patient Record used at the clinic. 

Dr Farrugia has also led several clinical governance initiatives including several guidelines addressing preoperative investigations and the perioperative use of gliflozins, warfarin and antiplatelet agents. He also led the introduction of MOEWS as well as the updated post LSCS pain management utilising intrathecal diamorphine and IV PCA that saw average worst pain scores drop from 7.5 to 2.9. 

He also launched the day surgery help line and day surgery patient analgesia take home analgaesia scheme as well as guidelines on the management of pain and PONV in day case anaesthesia.

Dr Farrugia also has a keen interest in healthcare professional well-being and has set up and is coordinating the mentorship scheme at the anaesthetic department in Mater Dei hospital.